We have 17 weeks of special offer for your school to take up between October and February 2022 plus a forest school session included.
You will have exclusive use of both Castree and Bazley House which accommodates up to 51. This will give you access to the games room, bikes, adventure playground, sensory room and all communal areas including the classroom and sports hall. All this, for the cost of just £1,200 for 4 nights, Monday to Friday. This equates to just £6 per night per pupil if you manage total occupancy or just £10 per night if you had 30.
If you decide that a smaller group suits your school better, the hire of Castree House which accommodates up to 20 will be just £600.
More regular time playing and learning outdoors is proven essential for healthy childhood development. Research of outdoor play and learning has also been shown to lead to greater focus, higher cognitive function and better learning outcomes, across the board. This is a fantastic time to make the most of a 4 night residential that will enhance relationships, improve engagement and confidence in learning plus develop new and developing skills and understanding.
If you know a school who will benefit from this offer and get back to nature, then please contact us on 01367 850356 or email marksmyth@macaroniwood.org.uk to find out more. We look forward to hosting you!